Dive into this fully immersive cinematic video of the Mochi Gelato cultivar grown by Sherbinskis. This is a cinematic flower video that was produced for Sherbinskis in the Bay Area. This cultivar was grown indoors. The video is compiled of over 4,000 individually captured photographic frames to produce the maximum depth of field and extreme detail. It was captured at varying focal lengths using a Canon 5dsr, 100mm L, and 65mpe macro lenses. The size of trichomes ranges from 50um (micron) to 175um. The average thickness of human hair is around 70um. Trichomes are the bulb-shaped glands that cover the flower. They contain cannabinoids and terpenes which are oil-based. They are extremely fragile to touch and usually burst upon contact. Which makes capturing this living organism which is dying, and losing water retention after cutting from the plant. This process took about 10 hrs to fully capture alone. This video was photographed and edited by Kandid Kush. Music produced by John G This video is purely for educational and artistic purposes. Not For Sale. Not Safe For Work. All Rights Reserved to Chris Romaine, Kandid Kush 2015-2021